Veterinary Clinical Complex
VETERINARY CLINICAL COMPLEX (VCC) constitutes a integral part of ACVM academic activities. It provides hand on training & experience to senior student on clinical aspect of animal disease as well as clinical service to the sick animals visiting ACVM, while integrating the clinical activities & training in the speciality of departments ofVeterinary Medicine, Gynecology, Surgery & Radiology besides modern diagnostics services including portable X-ray for large animals, still X-ray for small animals, Ultrasonography, Inhalant anesthesia, electrocautery, Automatic Electrocardiography (ECG) and Multiparameter monitor, microscopic demonstration & serological detection of the pathogens attributed to animal diseases. Oflate the TVCC has attained a status of a recognised Referral Clinics for complicated cases visiting veterinary Polyclinics/Hospitals in the state.